Mechanical processing of metal components of various sizes up to a size of 3m x 9m and a maximum of 100 tonnes with complete value chain from design (including reverse engineering and laboratory / analytics)
Customer segments:
Agricultural and construction machinery
General mechanical engineering
Drive technology
Engine construction

Precision with a long tradition at the Kiel location
ProMachining GmbH - Mechanical processing since 1866
ProMachining can look back on a long history and tradition at its Kiel location. Founded in 1866 as an artillery depot and later a torpedo workshop, the success story in engine construction began with the founding of MAK Maschinenbau Kiel AG in 1948. With the change of name in 1997 from Krupp MaK to Caterpillar Motoren GmbH & Co KG, Kiel has been the Caterpillar centre for medium-speed diesel, gas and dual-fuel engines. This experience in the manufacture of complex components such as connecting rods, cylinder heads and crankcases now forms the basis of ProMachining's business activities.
The range of services includes the mechanical processing of components in contract manufacturing as well as complementary services such as reverse engineering and metallurgical laboratory services. ProMachining has a modern machine park with 15 CNC machines and additional workstations for mechanical (re)machining and can process components up to a size of 3m x 9m and a total weight of up to 100 tonnes.
The customer portfolio is broad and consists of different segments, including machine construction, commercial vehicle construction and toolmaking.